I know not where i walk.

My life was stuck in a rush hour… and I kept walkin past the nadirs;
‘Move on’… that’s what I always did; was always asked to do…
And I loved my small world of sworn faiths.
A world where the vision was blurred…
And the elements around were but as a mist…
As winds that blow fast by you… enclosing you all over
But never letting you realise that they were ever there.

Moving on and on now I had also lost my tracks;
I knew I had to walk and so I did… never questioning my roads.
But then suddenly questions did appear… at a strange subway
I was asked to wait… couldn’t leave without answering…
But I didn’t have them… I still don’t… and I knew you won’t either.
But then was the first time I had ever stopped…
The first time my vision had seemed so clear…
A world that I had never seen before was beside me…
A strange subway… huh… I know this isn’t my stop.
Can never be… I am not allowed to wait or leave.
But I am not waiting… its just that my worlds seem to revolve.
I am walking even faster now… but every time I walk past or ahead.
The esplanades rotate back to me… for me to walk upon them.
And I hate myself for not being able to cross them…
For the fears that reside so deep… unsaid and unheard.
That now I wish as we stand together in the oceans…
That the waters must split… the currents should rise…
And Moses’ stick must befall… leaving us waves apart.
From where I can see that world… in the mirrors of ocean.
And yet know that I would never be able to reach it…
I know that the world there doesn’t need me… but
Whenever you would turn to look this side…
The reflections will always be a merry image… however dark the world might be…………..

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