untitled yet

Livid…. That was how I was defined…
The colour blue describing identities that I held
As it also decribed the sky….. the vastness……. The freedom
So I knew I was born to be a vagabond….. to live for myself

But you spilled my colours and I was left stained
Red all over me……sparkling….. pristine
And you ask me what is it like…….?

“Like the glowing sun at the dawn?” No.
“Like the single petal that would slowly drown?” No.
“Like the feeble flame still sustained in the wind?” No.

No….. these do not define my easel now

It is a drop of red over my blue palette.
And they combine to form only black.

“Is it the colour black?....or betrayal of your own vision?
Why can’t you ever see the obvious…. The elements…. The plain answers
But interpret it only when they merge to form complexities?”

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