Kept staring at the rain

I stepped out… awake now in a strange clatter;
The clatter.. as raindrops fell over my wooden hedges,
And the rhythm overflowed along with the waters.
As I kept staring at the rain… now deafened.

I could see every image that the drops reflected,
Never before had I ever seen my world so clear,
All converged in a tiny droplet of desires….
Which is so small and yet so contending
That the thirst of ages could be quenched by its mere touch.
But I still kept just staring at the rain… thirstier but content.

Then they slowly dripped down my window
Only to get lost in the ocean of many…..
But as water merges in water… a life in life..
Is the loss a loss? Individualities are merrily sacrificed
To be what they were meant to be… an element of ocean.
And I kept staring at the rains… contemplating me.

The drops fall as explosions on the surface….
As new stars get born in the galaxies afar,
Being destroyed and created… all in mere moments.
Yes, just a moment… as the whole life was now but a mere moment.
No promises were made when past said it would return…
Or that the future would ever come……
So I just keep staring at the rain… uncertain what life would be..

Its’ not that my world was never so enchanting...
I was still captivated by the lividity of the sky.
Wondered of the colours that it had; the strange moonlight.
But I could now see them only through the drops…
How can a refracted world ever be so beautiful….?
How can beauty inspire the realization of another?
How can you keep staring at the rain… adoring the wet moors?

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